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Posted by on August 6, 2013

20130806-135231.jpgIt’s SO hot. Dad takes me running with him now. He does a nice steady pace but I try to go fast and get tired fast. I need to learn how to pace myself! It has been awhile since I’ve posted. Dad is leaving my crate unlocked now and so I get to roam around the loft and lay in the window. We live in a street level loft so there are a lot of things to watch and people to show off for. I am quite pretty you know. I go visit the bunnies but I stay away from the couch. I don’t go to the dog park as much because I go running with dad and it really wears me out. When we come home I sprawl out on the concrete floors because it’s cool. I do go on the weekends though which is fun.

I am about full grown now and I’ve stopped eating so much as I used to. I still get the same amount I just fill up faster. Dad says this is because I’m no longer a puppy. I don’t know what that means, I thought we were all puppies. Anyway!

Dad tells me that there is a surprise this week. He won’t tell me what it is though!

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