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Lots of Updates!

Posted by on April 16, 2014

photoIt’s been awhile since I posted! Nym has gone to live with my grandma so I have the whole loft to myself again. I do get to visit her though! Grandma’s pup Marley went over the rainbow bridge right around santa clause time.. 🙁 Mom was very sad so Nym went to keep her company and ended up staying. 🙂 betting tutorials

I’m also out of jail! Dad says my “crate training” is complete. I don’t know what that means but I do know that as long as I don’t mess with the bunnies (they scare me anyway with all that thumping!) and I don’t eat the couch (again) then I can stay out all day and not be in the crate! I like this!

I get to watch all the people (and doggies) walk by and the people who work across the street say hi when they come and go! 🙂

I also got a new bed which I am trying very hard not to eat and there is one in the bedroom too! 🙂

That is all for now but spring is coming and summer so I’m sure we will have a lot of fun!


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