I’m having so much fun! I weigh 23 pounds now! I went to the vet thing again yesterday to get a “DEE-EN-AY” test. My human says it will tell him more about me and my medical stuff. I don’t know what any of that means. hehe.
I still don’t like car rides but I don’t get sick as much any more. Here is a picture of me not liking a car ride. My human put my old bed in the back to make me more comfortable. It helped but I don’t really fit in it any more!
Oh! I had so much fun this past weekend! I got to play Saturday at this HUGE dog park! There were big dogs and little dogs (I tend to like dogs the same size or smaller than me but I’m learning!) There was even a pond to swim in! I played with other puppies and some adult doggies. Then on Sunday we went with Blue, that’s my human’s sister’s dog to some big place where there were hundreds of dogs! I found lots of things to investigate! My human says it’s a “foosball stadium”. Then we went to the place where I first met my human, Lee Harvey’s and I played with Mindy, she’s a big Dober-man Peencher and lots of other puppies. I was so tired I slept all night!