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What’s happening to my ears!

Posted by on May 16, 2012

My ears are starting to stand up on their own! Dad human says it’s because of “zee German” in me. I don’t know what that means but I do know I can hear a lot better! I felt a little sick last week because I had a bug in me (literally). I am starting to feel better.

We went to the dog park several times and to a new one yesterday because my favourite was closed. I got to see Kal again! I recognize him every time now and run straight to him to tackle him! Here is a video of us playing: Ghost & Kal Play. He is a lot of fun. I also met Texas, Molly and a few other new friends.

I’m getting better in the car too. I still get a little sick sometimes but I lay right down when I get in and I don’t try to pull my human’s arm off when we get near the car as much.


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