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I’m a slacker.

Posted by on June 6, 2012

I’ve been a bit of a slacker with my blog lately. Unfortunately since my last post I’ve been a little sick. The Vet says I’ll be fine but I’ve had a very bad cold and haven’t gotten out to the parks as often although I’ve still gone at least three days a week. I also had some “werms” that made me feel icky but they are gone now and I’m so glad. I don’t want anyone eating my food cept me!

I do have good news though! I haven’t gotten sick in the car for the last couple weeks. I still drool all over the place and I don’t like the car, but it takes me fun places. Maybe some day I’ll be able to jump into the back my myself!

I’m still growing and I weighed about 32 pounds. My human makes sure I don’t eat too much but the vet said I should eat a little more to bulk up. I like that vet! 🙂 He also says I look very fit and that being a little under weight is better than a little over-weight! That’s why the doggie (and human) ladies like me! 😉

I’m very happy to play in the water now too, it’s so cool and I love getting dirty. I spend a lot of time playing with my friends and I really like Corgi’s. Especially Emma, she’s sooo cute. Goose, Kal, Conney , Bella and many other friends are at the park I go to and we always have a good time. 🙂

Oooh! I also discovered that I like the couch. Dad’s been letting me sleep there since I’ve been sick but I don’t think that is going to last! 🙁

I better go now, I think I head the bunnies planning to prank me.. Again…


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