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It’s a Dog Eat Dog World.

Posted by on July 12, 2012

Dog Eat Dog… Get it? The picture… HAHAHAHAH.. Well ok, I’m not that funny. I’m sorry to report that Kal has turned into a zombie. BRAAAAAINS. I’m a little hyper, I got a bag of coffee beans off the counter and ate them. They looked like bunny poops now I’m all vibrating and stuffs. Speaking of eating things I’m not supossed to, I also ate tortellini out of that trash thing.. SO GOOD.. For about an hour.. Until I threw them up… In Dad’s Jeep….

Anyway! My weight has leveled off a little. I weigh about 47 lbs now. Vet thinks it’s because I get a lot of exercise. Running from Kal and trying to eat Emma keeps me active! I’ve met a lot of new friends too and I love the water. Dad keeps trying to get me to fetch things in the water.. I think he needs to go fetch them.. Silly human.

Oh! I learned to bark! I like it A LOT. I don’t bark much at home unless humans come to stare at the windows in the place we live, dad calls it a “foto-stoodio” or something, but there are pictures facing oout the windows and sometimes I bark at people. They think I’m cute because well, I AM!

Did I tell you I figured out how to unlatch my kennel? (I really didn’t, dad left it unlateched halfway and I figured out the rest). But it was sure fun. I ran around and played with ALL my toys. I went and visited the bunnies in the foster area and laid on the couch. I didn’t know dad caught me on the security cameras so when he came home I tried to act like i was supposed to be out. Dad wasn’t mad and he was really happy I didn’t eat his furniture!

That’s all for now, my DogPad is almost dead. Night!

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